
Welcome to the La Verne General Plan Update website. The General Plan is a long-range planning document that is considered the City’s “constitution” or blueprint, because it guides growth, traffic patterns, housing, and resources conservation. This website provides up-to-date information on the General Plan Update process.  This project is underway, and this site will provide you with information on community workshops, upcoming meetings, documents prepared for the General Plan Update, and other opportunities to be involved in the process and provide feedback. Sign-up to receive project updates and meeting information!

General Plan Advisory Committee

The City of La Verne has appointed a General Plan Advisory Committee to assist the City with updating its General Plan. Please see the General Plan Advisory Committee page for updated meeting agendas, a schedule of all GPAC meetings, and copies of presentations and meeting materials. All community members are invited to attend and there will be a designated time for public comment. The GPAC has been meeting regularly since May 2018.

Take a Survey!  

Please help the City of La Verne understand your vision for the future of our community and the topics and priorities you would like to see addressed in the General Plan. We invite you to take a brief survey to share your ideas. Thank you! 

Visioning Workshop Summary 

In the Fall of 2017, the City of La Verne hosted three Visioning Workshops to understand your vision for the future of La Verne. The feedback we received at these Workshops has been summarized in a report. We invite you to learn about what we heard, consider the results of the individual and group activities we worked on, and see photos of the Workshops. The Summary Report includes copies of maps and photos and it may take a few minutes to download. To add your voice to the conversation, please be be sure to take a brief visioning survey (you can find the link above) to share your ideas.